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I know I know. I started with this idea of having a place to share with people entering our portal to our church but it is hard to find a subject to discuss. So let's talk about my favorite subject "Grace". One of the key verses on grace is Ephesions 2:8,9. Grace is the means by which can bestow salvation upon man, who is by his very nature in bad situation. Why? He can do nothing, not a thing to procure his own salvation. Man can in many instances better himself but he can not perfect himself. Add to this Romans 11:6 which in a nutshell states grace and works are mutually exclusive. Grace is means of salvation not works, none can be involved. This means past or present or even future works can do nothing to gain or lose this grace. Grace is God doing for man which he can in no way do for himself.This illustration may aid us in our understanding because God Himself gave it to Job. Job 38-40 where God instructs Job of his place in creation. He, Job, is mere creation not creator and in no way in control of any aspect of creation. Therefore to elevate anything we do to place of what only God can do makes us a creator. Which cannot happen. Man is mere spec in the scheme of things. A finite being. Helpless. Hopeless.

God enters and does what only can do, gives. That is grace,God gives.That is why salvation is so great, God gives to man what he could not earn nor could ever deserve.

Just Thinking....