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How did yesterday go? Did you go to Church? I did. One of the boys on my baseball team (I coach a High School competitive team) asked me a question yesterday afternoon before our tournament game. Why did you have to go  to church? Excellent question. I didn't have to ( I know I am the pastor "I have to" so some think), I wanted to. Why? First, we go to church as obedience. In Hebrews the writer encourages his recipients to not forsake the assembling of themselves together, as some do. I believe being part of a church necessitates our gathering together. Why? Two things come to mind. First, to sharpen each other. That is what iron does to iron. Secondly, to bear one another's burden. So How's Monday going? Did you get sharper yesterday or did you just do a nod to God? Do you have a burden or share a burden? If not please don't just attend church next time, make Monday's count. 

By the way I did answer the young man (follow up coming).

Just Thinking